Webinar: Avian Bornavirus? Avian Ganglioneuritis?: Your Questions Answered!
Date: Friday, March 11, 2022
Time: 12:00 pm PDT (double-check your local time with this time zone converter)
Join us for this very important FREE, live webinar hosted by Laura Doering, former editor of Bird Talk magazine and Birds USA magazine. Our special guests, Susan Orosz Ph.D., DVM, DABVP (Avian), DECZM (Avian) & Bob Dahlhausen, DVM, will provide a brief review on Avian Bornavirus(ABV) /Avian Ganglioneuritis(AGN) and how it can affect our various parrot species. The doctors will then answer your questions related to this topic LIVE! This is a complicated topic, because research is ongoing and there continues to be new findings, which seem to bring about more questions. We will continue to revisit this topic as needed. We recommend viewing the first two ABV/AGN webinars before attending this one: https://youtu.be/4D6SJ70OmoY & https://youtu.be/ZDo71HP82B4 .