Cats sure can be demanding little furballs, as you can see in the video above! These cats aren’t shy about requesting your love, affection and attention.
We cat parents are obligated to shower our kitties with love on demand. And as good, loyal servants to our feline overlords, we’re happy to give pets and scratches whenever our cats want them. Share this video with a cat lover who could use a laugh today!
Of course, there are plenty of ways to show your cat love, and you can even make sure your kitty gets the message! Here are a few tips for showing your cat love in a way they’ll understand.
Does your cat know how much you adore them? They probably do, but here are some tips to make sure they feel the love.
Do you give your kitty pets on demand whenever they want? Do they ever get pushy like the cats in the video? Let us know in the comments below!